Best Practices for Vendor Channel programs

Best Practices for Vendors Setting Up a Channel Program for MSPs

1. Clearly Define Program Objectives and Benefits

  • Establish clear goals and objectives for your channel program, focusing on mutual benefits for both the vendor and MSPs.

  • Communicate the advantages of participating in the program, such as co-selling opportunities, MDFs, training, and support.

2. Develop a Comprehensive Partner Portal

  • Create a user-friendly partner portal that centralizes all relevant program information, resources, and tools for MSPs.

  • Ensure the portal includes marketing materials, sales enablement resources, training modules, and a way to request MDFs or submit co-selling opportunities.

3. Offer Comprehensive Training and Certification Programs

  • Provide MSPs with training opportunities and certifications to help them become proficient in selling, implementing, and supporting your products or services.

  • Regularly update training materials and offer webinars, workshops, or online courses to ensure MSPs stay informed about the latest product features, industry trends, and best practices.

4. Implement a Tiered Partner Program Structure

  • Develop a tiered program structure that rewards MSPs based on their commitment, expertise, and performance.

  • Include incentives, such as increased MDFs or co-selling support, for MSPs that achieve higher tiers or demonstrate exceptional performance.

5. Establish a Clear MDF Application and Approval Process

  • Design a straightforward process for MSPs to request MDFs, including guidelines for proposal submissions, approval criteria, and reporting requirements.

  • Provide templates and examples of successful MDF proposals to help guide MSPs in crafting their requests.

6. Foster Collaboration and Communication

  • Encourage open communication between your vendor team and MSP partners through regular check-ins, webinars, or partner events.

  • Provide a platform or forum for MSPs to share their experiences, successes, and challenges with one another, fostering a sense of community within your channel program.

7. Monitor Program Performance and Iterate

  • Regularly evaluate the performance of your channel program, gathering feedback from MSP partners to identify areas for improvement.

  • Make adjustments to your program based on feedback and changing market conditions, ensuring that it remains relevant and beneficial for both your company and your MSP partners.

Last updated